Auto Insurance
Dusyk & Barlow Insurance Brokers Ltd. is proud to be an SGI motor license issuer and can offer a wide range of auto insurance services including:

Driver’s Licences
Photo ID
Motor Vehicle Registrations
Driver’s Abstracts
Temporary Permits
Receipts For Driving Examinations

In addition to this we offer a wide range of automobile extension insurance that can increase the basic level of coverage provided by Saskatchewan plate insurance. Such policies include:
- Extension coverage including reduced deductibles and liability and medical coverage for personal plated vehicles and commercial plated vehicles including fleet policies
- Extension coverage for leased vehicles, motorcycles, travel trailers and motorhomes, and snowmobiles and ATVs
Stated value polices for antique or special interest automobiles
Coverage for vehicles in storage
Auto Insurance Options
Dusyk & Barlow Insurance Brokers Ltd. are happy to deal with a wide range of insurers on the various services we provide. We have a long-standing relationship with a number of Canadian auto insurers including: